Some VIm tips for navigation
VIm is my primary editor,.. actually, scratch that, my only editor. I spend most of my awake time in terminals writing code and over the years I’ve found VIm to be one pretty powerful tool.
One thing that I’ve always found especially useful for development is the ability to split the screen to view / edit multiple files at once.
To split the window vertically, simply use the command
:vsplit or :vs
and to split the window horizontally, use the command
:split or :sp
You can yank and paste text between the spits and navigate around using
Another thing I use when writing code is VImTabs.
The four commands you need to remember are:
To create a new tab
To close a tab
To navigate to the next tab (right)
To navigate to the previous tab (left)
Tab mappings
But having to type those command each time you want to navigate becomes a pain so here’s a mapping that I use to speed things up.
"Mappings for tab controls
map <C-up> :tabnew<CR>
map <C-down> :tabc<CR>
map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
These map ctrl+up to open a new tab, ctrl+down to close the current tab, ctrl+left to navigate left, and ctrl+right to navigate right.
Just stick these in your vimrc file and reload VIm.